Permanent Makeup Course: One course doesn't fit all, and who would understand this better than the master herself Renuka Krishna. We at RKBTA have curated courses for the each and everyone of you, from offering private one-on-one classes, to semi-private classes with Renuka ma'am to well defined packages of different courses in one basket. The purpose is to solve your training needs, accommodate your passion for the beauty industry and also provide a variety of budget-friendly opportunities. With the pandemic not being one of the nicest things happening to most people, we are here to give you what we are best at so you get back in business and larger than before

Training Modules and Coursework covered over these 6 Days of Pro PMU Training are:
Micropigmentation Techniques
Ombrè Powder Brows
Combination Brows
Lip Blush Tattoo
Dark Lip Correction
Eyelash Lift
Eyelash Tint
Eyebrow Lamination
Eyebrow Tint

Training program inclusions:
Videographs & Photographs
Before & After
Expectations & Reality
LIVE Demo in sequence
Practice Sessions (Latex)

Listen to what RKBTA Stars have to say:
Training Kit:
Microblading Pen
Eyebrow Practice Skin (x2)
Lip Practice Skin (x1)
Microblade (x1)
Writing Pad
1 p Cartridge (x1)
3p Cartridge (x1)
The RKBTA PMU Maestro Machine worth 32,000 INR is complimentary for all the students attending this course. You can upgrade to the RKBTA PMU Wireless Revolution Machine (At a cost of 10,000 INR)
Ombrè Powder Eyebrows, Micropigmentation Eyebrows

Lip Blush Tattoo & Dark Lip Correction

EyeLash Lift & Tint, Eyebrow Lamination and Tint

Private Session with Renuka Krishna Ma'am

Next Batch
16th - 21st October 2021 (Delhi)
25th-30th October 2021 (Chandigarh)
16th - 21st November 2021 (Delhi)
25th-30th November 2012 (Chandigarh)
16th - 21st December 2021 (Delhi)
(Limited seats available)
To Enrol whatsapp us your Name, City, Course and Batch on +919891227227. See you soon!

#renukakrishnabeautyandtrainingacademy #renukakrishna #RKBTA #permanenteyebrows #gandharvakrishna #spmubrows #delhimicroblading #microbladingtraining #powderbrow #beforeandafter #pmutrainer #pmutraining #innovatorsmindset #bossladymindset #permanentmakeupindia #microbladingtraningdelhi #microbladingdelhi #microbladingtrainingindia #microbladingbeforeandafter #pinklips #microbladingaftercare #liptint #liptattoochandigarh #microbladingjalandhar #microbladingamritsar #darklips #darklipcorrection
Fees details please